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Review & Feedback

Review & Feedback

Here at HR Mentor Academy we are always looking for ways to assist in helping you create awesome experiences in your HR career. We believe that mentoring others in HR is certainly one way to accomplish this.

We hope you will consider taking advantage of this special opportunity for review and feedback of all the great work you have done through the Quick Start.

For a limited time, you can submit your work from the “Quick Start” for REVIEW & FEEDBACK. This will be available at a special rate of $49.00.

Feel free to purchase now and we look forward to reviewing all the great work you have done and providing you with feedback that will help you with your next steps.

Here’s to your HR mentoring success!


What you get with Review & Feedback:

  • You will have an opportunity to submit your work from the Quick Start for a review.
  • Personal feedback will be provided to you that will further assist in your journey to mentor others in HR.
  • A personalized “Mentoring in HR Blueprint” will also be provided to assist with your next steps. 
  • While this is to provide you with feedback; you will also have a chance to provide us with feedback on the Review & Feedback experience.

Unlock Your Full Potential in Human Resources with the HR Mentorship Guide Available Now!

Learn about 5 Impactful Ways to Achieve HR Career Success with Ideas You Can Use Right Now!


15 Complimentary Templates to Transform Mentoring in HR

Get immediate access to 15 complimentary templates that will help you take mentoring in HR to the next level.
